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Advanced Technology

Edgebanding Division


The production of our ABS edge-bandings starts in 2000 with a unique goal : the realization of a technically and aesthetically perfect product.

Behind the production of this article there are many different aspects to take on count and only the management of all of them guarantees a good and successful product.

POLIMOR recently acquired new modern productive technologies in relation with extrusion, printing and painting systems, together with tools for the application of primer.

Thanks to these investments, the company now has :

  • 3 Productive lines of different dimensions, in order to satisfy requests for big, medium and small sized orders. Each line is equipped for a complete production, starting from the ABS grain and arriving to the production of the entire roll. The automatic evaluation process is very strict, for the constant verification of production parameters ;

  • The capacity to choose between the application of water based primer or solvent based primer.

  • A vast selection of steel cilinders with many different effects that cover all needs of the market.
  • Possibility to realize all shades of wood, in mat or brilliant finish, extra- mat or extra- brilliant ;

  • Automatic cutting tools in order to cut the edge – bandings according to the client needs

Every product goes under a strict quality process, thanks to new technologies and instruments such as spectrophotometer (for natural colours) or artificial lamps (for woods effects ).

Edgebanding Division

Strong technological push to create a technically flawless product.

Discover out how the Polimor divisions are born

Technological research, development and innovation